Woman's Club Blessing Box located at Mabscott Elem |
A new Blessing Box was installed at a local elementary school for donations of non-perishable food, clothing, masks, or hygiene
items for easy retrieval.
Woman's Club President-Elect Amanda Bodkin, Blessing Box Project Coordinator Stephanie French, Community in Schools Liaison
Samantha Lilly, and Woman's Club President Cindy Worley.
New members of 2021 |
Welcoming our new members --- Club President Cindy Worley, Rhonda Chukya, Nancy Hageman, Kim Given, Holli Carag, Lorelei Scarbro,
and Beth Kinsley.
Second Vice President Danielle Stewart conducted the installation ceremony.
Paint and Sip Fun! |
Paint and Sip gatherings were a big hit and we look forward to many more!