Awards at 2016 Southern District Meeting October, 2016
Arts & Crafts
Place Ribbons
Donna Bobbs:
Freestyle Art
Pat Phillips: Hand Crochet
Cindy Worley:
Photography - Color Scenic, People
Betty Young: Sewing - Stuffed
2nd Place Ribbons
Linda Conte: Wreath
Cindy Worley: Photography - B&W
Betty Young: Hand-quilting
Place Ribbons
Linda Conte: Miscellaneous
Fairlie: Quilted Wall Hanging
Phillips: Sewing
Worley: Photography
Awards at 2015 Southern District Meeting October 17th, 2015
Marlinton, WV
Arts & Crafts
Place Ribbons
Betty McClung:
Ceramic Elephant
Betty McClung: Crewel Pillow -
"Tree of Life"
Betty McClung: Quilted Pillow
- "Pink Blooming Flowers"
Cindy Worley: B/W Photo - "Tern
on the Beach"
Lois Cooper: Hand Appliqued Wall Hanging
- "Flower Garden"
Lois Cooper: Machine Quilted Wall
Hanging - "Candle in the Window"
Lois Cooper: Hand Quilted Wall
Hanging - "Sunbonnet Sue"
Betty Young: Sewn Vest
Betty Young: Sewn Pillow - "Iris"
2nd Place Ribbons
Cindy Worley: Color Photo - "Grist
Mill at Babcock"
Betty Young: Crocheted Vest
Donna Bobbs: Crocheted Scarf
Betty McClung: Embroidered Pillow
- "Birds of a Feather"
Patty Jo Anderson: Stuffed Doll
- "Anne"
Place Ribbons
Patty Jo Anderson: Color Photo - "Blessed Dancer"
Awards at 2014 GFWC WV Convention The Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs March 20-22, 2014
Arts & Crafts
Place Ribbons
Betty Young: White
Crochet Collar, Sewing Basket, Notebook Cover
Joyce Hall: 3-piece Jewelry Set
Surekha Taherndragodkar
- Red Crochet Shawl
2nd Place Ribbons
Perl Tipper: Watercolor Painting
Betty Young: Crochet Leaf
Place Ribbons
Betty Young: Kintted "Baby in Basket"
Member Award
Awards at 2013 GFWC WV Convention The Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs March 22-24, 2013
Arts & Crafts
Place Ribbons
Surekha Taherndragodkar
- Green Shawl
Kathryne Williams - Picture
Marcia Fairlie - Pillow
Betty Young - Snowman
2nd Place Ribbons
Marcia Fairlie - Quilted Wall Hanging
Rosa Clark - Quilt
Betty Young - Braclett
Pat Phillips - Dish Cloth
Place Ribbons
Rosa Clark - Sundress
Bittinger - Oil Painting
Awards at 2012 GFWC WV Convention The Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs March 22-24, 2012
Drawing & Painting
Oil: Shelva
Bittinger – 1st
Digital Photography (B&W)
Nature/Scenic Landscape: Cindy Worley
– 2nd
Digital Photography (Color)
People: Cindy Worley – 3rd
Nature/Scenic Landscape: Cindy Worley
– 2nd
Betty Young – 1st
Household Item Novelty: Shari Jones – 1st
Hand Stitchery
Plastic Canvas Needlepoint: Susie Atkins
– 2nd
Household Item Novelty: Betty Young
– 3rd
Miscellaneous Crafts
Stained Glass: Andrea Spring –
Stuffed Toys: Betty Young –
Handmade Jewelry: Linda Polly –
Awards at 2011 GFWC WV Convention
The Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs March 16-18, 2011
Individual Awards
Arts & Crafts: Out of more than 200 statewide entries, Beckley women won 18 awards
in this division.
Shelva Bittinger - 3rd place for a scenic oil painting,
and 3rd place for a knitting item.
Lena Conte - 2nd place for an oil portrait
Betty Young - 1st place for a still life painting
Perl Tipper - 1st place for an acrylic portrait, 2nd place
for a scenic acrylic painting, and 1st place for a mixed media painting, and 2nd place in an unnamed category
Ann Barlage - 1st place in still life photography,
1st place in scenic photography, and 1st place for people in the digital category
Shari Jones - Two 1st place awards and one 2nd place award
for crochet needlework, and an honor for a plastic canvas item
Betty McClung - 2nd place in basic embroidery
Kathryne Williams - 1st place for flowers made from shells

Lena Conte with Publicity Book |
Awards at 2010 GFWC WV Convention
The Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs March 19-21, 2010
Club Awards:
Publicity Book Award to an intermediate club - 1st Place (done by Lena Conte)
Pearl Buck Award - 1st Place
Public Relations/Communitions Award to an intermediate club - 2nd Place
GFWC WV Scholarship Fund Award to an intermediate club - 2nd Place
Membership Award to an intermediate club - 2nd Place
Conservation Award to an intermediate club - 3rd Place
Rhododendron Membership Award for outstanding service in maintaining and/or increasing membership
Certificate of Appreciation: Hugh O'Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership Program for
a commitment to youth
GFWC WV Superior Club Award
Individual Awards
Recognition Certificates for 50-Years of Service: Irene Fink, Mary Jane Songer
Stars for recruitment of new members: Kathryne Williams, Lena Conte
Arts & Crafts:
Shari Jones - 1st Place Blue Ribbon for crocheted afghan
Betty Young - 1st Place Blue Ribbons for crocheted doily and still life
oil painting

Perl Tipper with portrait of Cynthia Bickey |
Perl Tipper, long time member of the Beckley Woman's Club as well as past president of the
Beckley Art Group, stands beside the portrait she painted of Cynthia Bickey.
After a total rebuilding and renovation of the Art Group's building, it was renamed the "Cynthia Bickey Art Group of
Beckley." The portrait was unveiled at their grand opening show in July, 2009.
Beckley Newspapers 4 / 9 / 2009 |

Betty Young and Shelva Bittinger were first
place blue ribbon winners in the Arts and Crafts competition held in conjunction with the 2009 GFWC WV Convention at The Greenbrier in
March. The sisters grew up in Shady Springs and graduated from Shady High School. They both have three children
and are active in the Beckley Art Group.
Shelva graduated in home economics at Concord
University and also in education at West Virginia University. She taught 34 years before retiring from Woodrow Wilson
High School and is now employed by WIC (Women, Infants, & Children) on Harper Road. Shelva took painting lessons
from Jo McCoy at the Beckley Art Center where she painted "Magnolia," her winner at The Greenbrier.
Betty received nurse's training at
Radford College in Virginia and began her nursing career at the old Raleigh General Hospital when it was on Park Avenue. She
was also a nurse at the Beckley Hosopital and worked 40 years before retiring. Betty's first place winners
in the Arts & Crafts competition were a machine quilted item, a 16"x20" paper-pieced "Singer Wall Hanging," and an
acrylic painting called "Basket of Flowers."
Awards at 2008 GFWC WV Convention
The Greenbrier inWhite Sulphur Springs March 28-30, 2008
Attending the 2008 WV-GFWC Convention from the Beckley Woman's Club were
Linda Ramsey (President), Kathryne Williams (2nd Vice President), Nellie
Amato (Treasurer), Lena Conte (Historian), and Perl Tipper
(Arts in the Community Chairman). Awards were as follows:
In the Arts & Crafts competition...
place ribbons went to Shari Jones, Joan Ashworth, and Kathryne Williams
2nd place ribbon winners were Lena Conte, Betty Young, and Kathryne Williams
3rd place ribbons went to Perl Tipper, Kathryne Williams, and Betty Young.
The Beckley club also received...
1st place certificate for their work in the "Arts in the Community" division,
a 1st place in Membership,
letter of appreciation from the GFWC International President, Jacquelyn Pierce, for its
contribution to the 1734 Society, and
and superior ribbons for complying with state guidlines.
The General Federation of Women's
Clubs (GFWC) is an international women's organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others
through volunteer service.

Click symbol for the www.GFWC.org website |
Webmaster: Amanda Bodkin